
Church Planting Program
Smyrna House of Prayer Church has been launching church planting program. After establishment of the metropolitan church in Dhaka city, Smyrna House of Prayer Church continued to further planting more churches and has been able to plant 5 churches in addition to Dhaka Metropolitan Church, so far as already mentioned.

Bible Study Group
Smyrna Youth Fellowship
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In 2002 we started youth ministry aiming at sharing the Gospel, especially with the unreached and saving the lost. We started and continued forming Bible Study Group to get their support and strengthen our aims and objectives. We organized 36 youth groups all over Bangladesh with about 650 members. The groups have been formed with the members of the organized Bible Study Groups. The youth fellowship holds Regional and Annual National Camps with the groups located at different locations of Bangladesh. The camp holds the following program components in its assembly. Devotion, discussion on social and religious issues, Group Bible study, revival meeting, sports and games competition, quizzes on social and religious matters, Cultural, Competition, camp fire etc. Such assembly helps the youths to know each other and share their knowledge and experiences in various social and religious matters. Those youths who participate very enthusiastically render all possible help and cooperation to fulfill our aims and objectives. Up to now we have been able to save ‘harvest’ for Christ for a good number of the ‘lost’. Our efforts are continuous in this respect.

Pastors Training
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Every year Smyrna House of Prayer Church organizes training to pastors from different churches in Bangladesh so that they can develop their knowledge and render church ministry more efficiently.

Couple Training
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Smyrna House of Prayer Church organizes training for Couple from Christian families every year so that they can build their families well and lead their life happily following Biblical Instructions.

Pastor Alfred Biplob Biswas distributing Text-Book.
Pre-School Program
We have a Pre-school for the kids to study from beginner’s level for 2 years period in Madhobpur village of Thakurgaon district in Bangladesh. The project is for the Children from the underprivileged families who are socially, economically and politically neglected and have rare opportunity of having non-formal education in the school. On successful completion of their study here the students will seek for admission into the nearby primary school with help and co-operation from our school teachers who will keep in close contact with those students and their families, give them necessary counseling in their children’s education so that they continue their study and become valuable contributors to the nation building. Our principal aims are to give early childhood education free of cost and ease their families from financial burden by providing text books, stationery, school uniform etc. and motivate the parents to continue their children education. There are 60 children in the school at present. Many regions of Bangladesh require such schools but we are unable to build further pre-schools due to our fund constraint. Donor/donor groups support will be required.
Sponsorship Program
Most of the family members of our rural churches are financially very poor and are unable to provide the Basic Needs to their families. So their children need financial assistance for their maintenance and education. If any generous donor is willing to support any of their children they would be welcome to do so.